

Charlie/N7KN in Chaser mode

The WØC-SOTA Association is dedicated to combining amateur radio, short wave listening, and mountain climbing in a way that enhances all these activities and encourages participants to help one another achieve goals and enjoy fun and fellowship while doing so.

Summits On The Air (SOTA) is all about getting out and hiking to a summit with your radio or listening and talking to hams who are doing this. Whether you are an activator or a chaser, the goal is challenge, fun, and fellowship. Whether it’s a serious hike up a mountain or a casual walk from the summit parking lot, there is something for all activators – and chasers get to participate from wherever they may be, helping activators achieve their goals while achieving goals of their own. Fun for all – that is SOTA!

Boyd/KF7DDT on SOTA peak




In the end whether you Chase or Activate, you will become a more valuable and proficient radio operator. You will be better prepared should a real emergency arise. Along with some health benefits for the Activators.



W A R N I N G  there are some SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS to SOTA!

  1. The excitement of long-distance communication (DX) may hook you!
  2. You may want to make your own SOTA “contest” as often as possible!
  3. You may discover that chasing someone who is hiking to a summit is fun!
  4. You may improve your operating skills and want to learn some new modes.
  5. You may discover improved health benefits from hiking/walking.
  6. And you may have more fun than anyone should be allowed to have.


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